Friday, August 10, 2012

Joo-Won Eye Candy

For those of you not watching Bridal Mask/Gaksital, you should, because it is pure win. It is amazing. It is awesome. It is fantastic. Actually, if you're not watching Bridal Mask, you should seek medical attention immediately because there's something wrong with you. Although, after watching just one episode, you'll probably end up right back in the hospital due to all the heart-stopping moments!

But this post isn't about Gaksital. It's about Joo-Won who plays Lee Kang-To (and several other names that you have to see to understand) in Gaksital. This entire post will be dedicated to the hotness of Joo-Won, his ability to play characters that I love to hate, and how delicious he looks in a suit.

Thankfully, being set in the 1930's, there's suits abound, and with him being so TALL (measures in just under 6'1" [1.85 m]) these perfectly tailored double-breasted suits look absolutely wonderful on him. I just can't get enough! This post will be picture-heavy. Don't say I didn't warn you!



And there's so many angles to enjoy! Front, back, side, ground... they all look good! My favorite happens to be the side when Joo-Won has his hand in his pocket and you can see the curve of his back. Yum!

Sans a jacket or sports coat, he still makes me melt:

Did I mention he also looks hot in a police uniform?


Please step over the giant puddle of goo I've turned into. With what little bit of mush is left, I'll post my two absolute favorites:


Sources/Credits (in random order): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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